Prof ma, permit me to help with your backpack, she cautiously asked and politely gestured as we walked towards the third conference hall from our tea break.
It’s Dr Stella Oladele’s fourth conference paper presentation this year and she still has two more to go; such positive transformattion! has taken place over the years.
When I came on board as one of her academic mentors eight years ago,
she felt inadequate and not ready for this line of academic job, pure clinical practice was her comfort zone, her first love she fondly describes it. Almost a decade down the road, she is an associate professor already! with distinguished awards.

We sometimes feel that way, don’t we?; uncomfortable and inadequate about some career opportunities that come our way despite having the necessary qualifications or on the track to being qualified.
It doesn’t seem fo fit or fall into our area of strength, passion or natural inclination.
We might not feel equipped and experienced for it at the moment; however with focus and determination, gradually we will learn and know the ropes.It still might not turn out to be the definite career path we will settle in but we would have picked up some vital lessons along the way and the knowledge acquired is definitely always a gain; on the other side of the coin, it just might eventually evolve to be our area of best positive impact, reward and fulfilment; like Dr Stella’s journey.
So don’t stall! sieze the moment!
Author’s Brief Profile:
Dr Foluke Sarimiye is a Lecturer/Consultant Radiation and Clinical Oncologist and the Executive Director of Patela Care Foundation |